Today Kris and I hiked up to Tufton Hall Waterfalls in Victoria, and it was quite the all day event. The first part was hiking up the hills and through the bush to get to the river, and then the rest was climbing up a series of smaller waterfalls (and I say smaller only in comparison to Tufton itself). Kris had done the hike a few times already and wanted to make it as challenging as possible for me (thanks buddy), so we were literally climbing through the cascading water at times. My little arms got quite the workout.

Oh, and I think Kris would agree with me on the highlight of the hike:
I was pretty giddy since we were almost to the big falls, and I saw this big branch hanging across 2 rocks and thought it would be fun to swing on. So I jumped up and grabbed on with both hands...bad idea. What I didn't know is that the branch had wood rot. *cracking sound and Rachel down* The branch snapped like a twig and I fell right on my butt in the water! It was pretty funny because the minute I grabbed on, I felt it give way, but it was already too late...

And of course this is the one time Kris is behind me and sees the whole thing. He was worried that I broke my tailbone, but I think all I damaged was my pride. We couldn't stop laughing about it later.