October 27, 2008

A Day in Paradise

There are some days I can't complain about living on an island...

October 10, 2008

I eat, sleep, and sweat volleyball.

I now have volleyball 5 times a week, sometimes 6 (playing and coaching). I never thought volleyball would be this big of a part in my life after high school. But I don't know if I believe in coincidences.

Last summer a group from the States came down to Grenada to teach a volleyball camp to anyone interested and then left behind volleyballs, nets, and a growing interest in the sport. Now the Grenada Volleyball Association, that has been dormant for over 10 years, is bringing back volleyball and looking for coaches for all the secondary schools. (Enter Rachel) I'm now coaching all boys at PBC (Presentation Boys College)! It's such an exciting opportunity to teach a sport I love, and meanwhile, hopefully equipping young boys with a pastime that will keep them out of trouble. I was a little nervous at first for how they would react to a female coach, seeing how most of the Grenadian males speak to me on the street, but so far I've been pleasantly surprised by the respect they've shown me (at least to my face). My friends laugh and say the opposite, that there should be a bigger turnout now, so maybe being a female in Grenada is finally going to come in handy. For example, this week we had an uneven number of players so I offered to bump with one of them, and almost all their hands shot up in the air!

We've also been holding volleyball clinics around the island, teaching the fundamentals to anyone who wants to learn. It's fun spreading the love.